Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Corner Grocerys Vs Super Markets

Supermarkets are known for the many deals. Their is usually a weekly circular that has everyone run to pick up the weekly deals. In fact, your money seems to stretch a lot further in the supermarket. The corner stores carry mostly all the popular items you can pick up in a supermarket. The catch is it is closer than the supermarket and at times have later hours of business. Their is also short lines in the corner store. At the supermarket because of the great prices and deals the lines are massive at times. I personally don't like those long lines, but the deals are great. The corner stores really cater to convenience and quick service. Supermarket's are about selling you products at great prices.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Freaky Weather

The weather is hard to follow from one day to the next. In the mornings it is very cold. Then mid way through the day it warms up to the point that you are comfortable to open the car window a bit. I work out doors or you can say I drive around all day. The winter I have to say so far its not that bad. There have been a hand full of bad days that I personally can mention. I know that anyone living near large bodies of water have to feel much colder temperature's.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Brandy's In A Tough Spot

Brandy and r&b singer was involve in an accident were a lady was fatally killed. There was no negligence on her behalf the police authorities ruled out drugs and alcohol. There is no evidence that Brandy was on her cell phone. It is sad that there was a life lost. An the victims family are angry but accident happen everyday. I don't say that the loss does not hurt, but the victims family has file suit on Brandy. One cant help but wonder if the 50 million dollar lawsuit is file because of grief or because Brandy's is a wealthy young lady. I personally feel sorry for both parties. I know what it's like to loss someone you love. It takes many years to get over it. An to cause an accident where someone losses their life is not easy to live either. On both ends their is psychological damage to recover from.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Being A Celebrity

There's is no privacy for some celebrities, their every move is photographed. A kiss between friends or an acquaintances can be made to look like someones being naughty. I guess you have to understand when your favorite actor, actress or artist freak out from time to time. The world is watching their every move this has got to be annoying at some point. Especially when your caught being silly or just being a little wild. Some celebrities isolated their selves just not to deal with the press. Some times the press report good things and at times they report the bad. This can being nerve recking for some entertainers, sometimes they just want to relax and be a bit in appropriate at times. Everybody wants to loosing up and have fun. Tthe spotlight is not all it's crack up to be at times.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Massachusetts's Big Names

In the sate of Massachusetts a lot of famous people came for there. I found out that Robert F. Kennedy our 35Th president and George H Bush came from their as well. Many star 's and actors cane from their as well, like Uma Thruman, Barber Walters, Dr Seuss the writer, Ben Affleck and Jay leno. There were also big inventors who came out of Massachusetts's like Alexander Graham Bell he invented the telephone. Samuel Morse he invented the Morse code a means of communicating and Elias Howe who invented the sewing machine.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The New Hype

Looking forward to see what product will receive a lot of hype for this year. I believe the flat panels will be what consumers go crazy for this year. Especially if the prices on them become economical. Everyone will be replacing the old television set for the new sleek look. People are wondering if satellite radio will ever take off, maybe? maybe not? The PlayStation 3 seem to rule the video systems category and palms seem to be the best handheld cpu on the market right now. All services stepping their game up. Verizon's trying to offer all three service like Cablvision. Their will be a battle among the company for our dollar's. This great the competition may lead to competitive prices. I Look forward to see the outcome.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

How To Prepare For Bad Weather

In cases of anticipated bad weather one should try to prepare by, stocking up on food and items that are needed in the house that are low. This is the wise way to go because when bad weather hits it makes getting around difficult. Especially trying to carry groceries and items home. Flash lights and batteries are good things to have in case of power failure. Battery operated radio also good to have in case of emergencies. It is also good to keep up with news updates on the storm to know how the weather is shaping up. Try to have all necessities at arm reach so you don't have to go out in the bad weather.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good Study Habits

Habits to have if you want to be successful in school and with exams. Be on time for class being late equates to missing important information. Which could prove to be useful come test time. Take good notes taking good notes leaves a good guide to back track a lesson that might of been a bit diffcult. Review notes and examples given in class to keep the concepts fresh in your mind. It is also good to focus on what the teacher is saying and if their giving examples that are not clear dont be affraid to ask questions. Everything doesnt get the concepts the first time around.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Personal Enjoyment

When the weather gets cold I personally enjoy a glass of wine in front of a warm fire place. This is of course in the night. In the morning hot chocolate is more desirable. I like the warmth of the fire and the smell of the burning wood. I never had the luxury of enjoying a fire place when I was young so as an adult I have so much appreciation for it. I find it to being very relaxing and my mind tends to wonder on the past day or something am looking forward to. Good company is also enjoyable in front of the fire place. It make for good debate on a cold winter night or romantic love talk either way the night will be memorable. We all like memorable moments and for me some of my favorite moments were in front of the fire place.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Improvements In Quality Of Life

Due to crime being down people are not afraid to go out late and businesses are not afraid to extended their hours of service. This all makes for improvement of quality of life. We all can enjoy these services 24 hours a day now. Supermarkets are among the business that are extending their hours because they are getting customers at these new hours. Gas stations and Movie rental stores were probably always running at these hours. Mechanic Shops are also among the business capitalizing on the 24 hours service, because mechanical problems come at all times. An it's a blessing if you can get it fix and be on your way with minimal delay.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Patents are an inventors best friend. Patents protect the rights of the inventors and his invention, so no one can steal it, or claim they made it first. Patents are not only useful to inventors, but they serve the same purpose or value to entrepreneur. This help to secure business ideas, in a competitive business market. When you patent your inventions or business idea's you put a stamp of ownership on it that no one can argue that they thought of it first or made it first.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cafe Lalo

Cafe Lalo is one of my favorite breakfast spots in Manhattan. They have many delicious things to eat from the menu to the pastries behind the counter. You can tell how great the food is sometimes by the crowd it attracts on the weekend. The have a lot of guilt free pastries like the sugar free cheese cake or the sugar free cookies, that taste incredible. They have an international menu with breakfast special from around the world. There's the Italian breakfast the New Yorker which is my favorite, there's a Swiss breakfast, french, Denmark, and some other that slip my mind, they are all good. One of the things that I constantly remember about this Cafe is a couple of years ago they film a movie that I watched in this Cafe before I ate there. So from time to time when am enjoying my New Yorker breakfast I remember Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan eating by the window in "You got mail." I guess it took me a few years to discover this incredible place to eat at.

Friday, January 19, 2007


The new cell phones and gadgets make you want to upgrade. They upgrade for one or two new features can be very expensive. Some consumers get very upset after paying quality dollars for a product that two months later the same product is release with features that are not included in the version of the product they brought. Stuck and left with the choice of upgrading to the new version, one weighs the pros and cons. Pros are that you get to enjoy the product you like with all the new features. Cons is that it does not come at a very economic price especially if you just recently brought the previous version before the upgraded features. The advancement of technology come so fast that before you know it something release last month have something new added this month. So when buying make sure the item have all the features you need and also do a little research to see if their is a new version coming soon and what new features it will carry before you spend the big bucks.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Illusionist

The Illusionist was a very good move. It was fill with suspense and mystery. The story was not hard to follow just you did not see the twist and turns that the movie took, so you were intrigued till the very ending which was surprising. When you see the ending you play back the last scenes because you miss something. In suspense and mystery we all pride ourselves by trying to for see what is going to happen? It was written an directed very well. The Illusionist starred Edward Norton, Paul Giamatti, Jessica Biel and Rufus Sewell and many more. The Illusionist was an excellent movie a must see.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Online Shoping

Online Shopping is just as much fun as shopping in the stores to some. You get to see the same items without the wait on long lines. You don't even have to travel or look for park. You can secure all you items from your desk at home. This is great if you ask me especially on those very cold days and during the holidays. The only set back is that in the actual store there may be some deal you don't get to take advantage of online but over all online shopping is great. You can purchase online and pick it up from the store cutting down the wait time Circuit City does this.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Rash Growth Of Banks

There seem to be an increasing amount of financial institutes opening in Brooklyn. Among the banks expanding their market are Bank of America, Washington Mutual and Chase Manhattan. They are more, I just name the top players. These financial institutes have very competitive advertisements to lure in new customers, everything from free checking to 5% interest on Cd's (certificate of deposits) and online banking. With online banking you can keep track of cashed checks and account balances. I believe the aggressive growth on the part of these financial institutes has to do with a very good business year for 2006. Not to mention, new tax laws that favor the banking institutes so their is not much to loose.

Monday, January 15, 2007

A Night At The Museum

The museum of natural history has people flocking to see some of it's exhibits. Some of the hype comes from the new movie in theaters starring Ben Stiller actor comedian. A night at the museum delightfully funny and educational makes for a good family movie for the new year. The movie also peeks your interest to check out all of the other interesting exhibits as well. Some will visit the museum just to identified the scenes from the movie. The movie has brought a lot of visitors either way it's good for tickets sale on both ends.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Condoleezza Under Fire

Condoleezza Rice endured heavy verbal abuse at a hearing held yesterday. A senator made a personal verbal assault on rice during her appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Barbara Boxer fumed that Rice didn't comprehend the "price" of the war. Boxer was quoted saying "You're not going to pay a particular price, as I under stand it, with an immediate family," "Who pays the price?" she repeatedly demanded during Rice's Capitol Hill grilling. This comes after the President bush decision to send 21,000 more troops to Iraq. This is very disturbing to many Americans. Many believe the initial goal is losted. Condoleezza Rice time to time get face with tough questions. I believe senator Barbara Boxer ask a good question of the secretary of state. Some viewed Barbara out burst as an attack some view it as justified questioning that deserved answering.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Police Dog Injuried In Line Of Duty

Hero police dog took one for the team when he cut his front paw helping his partner arrest a male suspect. The German shepherd was taken from the Bedford Avenue basement apartment in Bedford-Stuyvesant to Manhattan's Animal Medical Center with deep lacerations to his left front paw. The german shepherd is in serious condition but the injury is said not to be life threatening. The german sherperd and partner was not avaible for questioning.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pillow Fighting League

A group of women get together with a bunch of pillows every Thursday night and Sunday afternoon in Toronto. They go crazy and have a pillow fight on a mat.
This is their practice for the Pillow Fight League, a new "sport" in which there are currently 22 fighting members and a male commissioner.
New Yorkers will be able to see the Canadian pillow derby when the league arrives to fight at Brooklyn's Galapagos Art Space for an already sold-out show on Friday and Saturday.
Case, a 38-year-old drummer, started the league after the burlesque group that his band performs with staged a pillow fight as part of their act.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hercules The Cat

Bandit cat in Portland Oregon was caught in the act. For months a Polish lady could not figure out why the cat food stored in the garage was finishing so quick. A cat called Hercules was helping his self to the food in the garage. Hercules ran away from his owner house while he was away having surgery. He manage to find food in the garage of Jadwiga Drozdek. She finally was able to solve the mystery of the quick disappearing cat food. When Hercules over eating caught up with him. He got stuck in the doggy door. She freed him feed him and took him to the animal humane society.Hercules weigh 20 pounds easy. His owner I believed retrieve Hercules from the humane society for animals.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence has been a problem in families and relationships for many years. It occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate or harm the other. Attention to domestic violence issues started from the women's movement because it was one of the main issues they focused on, women being victims of domestic abuse. There is now a growing awareness of domestic violence also among men, its a serious matter.Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation or threats of violence. Anyone who notice these signs in their relationship should seek help immediately.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Upside of writing

The upside of writing is that the more you write the more you improve. Your sentence structure gets better. Your vocabulary improves, you learn to use other words to say similar things. I believe writing every night has spark some improvements in my writing skills, like wording my thought much more clearer than before. I have learned to be a little more descriptive about the subjects I write about. It has also become a pleasure to write were as it may have been a burden in the past. The upside to writing every night is the improvement you see as time past.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Looking Forward

I am looking forward to changing some things this year. I am trying to change my job title for a new one with better pay. My latest car situation have lead me to think, it maybe time for a upgrade. I'm also thinking of being a little more naughty this year because it's no fun being good. I am definitely planning to exercise more this year. I'm trying to get my weight down to 175 lb. I'm looking forward to investing in stocks if fiances allow me. In all, I am looking forward to a year of betterment all around.