Thursday, December 14, 2006

Watch What You Say

Today their seems to be a heighten awareness on words use by popular public figures like, politicians, actors , comedians and radio personalities. This awareness is also picking up in the work place. In some cases one can understand some words can be deem offensive. On the other hand their are a million ways to express one self, which can be interpret in a millions ways as well. There are laws set fort to protect one's freedom of speech and expression. Many key figures are finding there self under fire for comments made in public like Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Richards and Rosie O'Donnell. Whoopi Goldberg made comment about George Bush which resulted in her being fired as Slim Fast spokeswoman. Micheal Richards said the N-word which offended some people at a comedy club and Rosie O'Donnell made reference to Danny Devito appearance on a day time talk show drunk being international news in china. She made poor Chinese translation which was deem offensive. In these cases there is a conflict between the freedom of speech and politically incorrect behavior. You have a right to express yourself, the lines of offensive and politically incorrectness for some are unclear. It is tough to call in some situations and clear in others.

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