Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Emergency Landing

A woman cause a airliner to make an emergency landing. This is one of the most funniest stories I have ever herd of. She was very gassy and she didn't want anyone to smell her gas, so she lite matches to kill the scent. It apparently work the only problem was it set off the smoke alarm in the airplane. This force the captain to make an emergency landing in Nashville early Monday morning December 5, 2006. A woman was questioned by the FBI after admitting to lighting matches aboard Flight AA 1053. She admitted she lite the matches to conceal he Flatulence.The woman lives near Dallas and has a medical condition.
The flight took off again, but the woman was not allowed back on the plane.
American Airlines has banned her from flying for a long time.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bummed Out

I'm very depress my car is giving me problems. I thought I figure out the problem but I was wrong. The auto problem I am having comes at the wrong time of the year. I am so late with Christmas shopping it's not funny. I cant seem to concentrate on anything. The car problems are just consuming me. It's been very good to me these last two years and now I cant seem to figure out whats the problem?

Monday, December 18, 2006


Cozumel is a very nice island to visit. There are many nice luxury resorts. My stay in Mexico was very relaxing. I swam almost everyday in the pool there. My girlfriend swam a lot in the ocean. The ocean water was very clear there. I just didn't like that there was a baby sting ray that liked to hide close to the shore. Otherwise the ocean was just as pleasant to swim in. At the resort that I was staying at the waiter and waitresses would bring us all kind of alcoholic beverages. Cozumel is a nice place to take the whole family to get away and site see. There are very interesting places to visit. They have old ruins to see.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Car Problems Still Occur

I thought that the hose was the problem but it appears to be more complicated. It seems like it might be my thermostat acting up. My car started over heating again and on the fifty ninth street bridge. I was coming back from the Museum of Natural History with my daughter. This time I battle my way to my home in Brooklyn. This was a very draining weekend for me. The first chance I get I will see if I can change it myself. I hope this will solve the over heating problem. For now I am just trying to remain clam.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Call For New Protocol

On Saturday December 16, there was a protest march in Manhattan, New York. It spanned down fifth avenue pass all the big stores. The march was to protest the Sean Bell murder and for change in police protocol. People are demanding change in the way cops are trained. Some believe they are trained to target certain groups and people for how they are dressed. People believe the cops are taught and told to racial profile, so they target and approach citizen based on certain criteria. This is definitely wrong their have to be better ways of detecting law breakers, because mistakes like in the Sean Bell case cant be tolerated. Innocent people losing their life for no reason is not good public service by the police. I personally believe they should poll the mistake made from year to year. This would also encourage better protocol.

Friday, December 15, 2006

What A Way To Start Your Weekend

Today we had a Chirstmas party at the job. It was nice cuase we came in early from the field. After work me and some of my co-workers went to a bar and had some drinks. This was cool the fellas bonded and cracked jokes on one another. The day was going great until I decided to head to the city to meet my girlfriend. The hose on my car went right on the fifty-ninth street bridge. It was chaotic cars were driving wright up to my bumper as if they didn't see my car hood open and flashers on. I was able to make it into Manhattan were the first chance I got I parked the car to get anti-freeze and oil for the car. I had to do some running cause I parked the car on the sidewalk. Long story short I fought my way through the city to get a park by a mechanic shop I know. It was just my luck that when I got there they were still open. They fix the busted hose, all seem well.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Watch What You Say

Today their seems to be a heighten awareness on words use by popular public figures like, politicians, actors , comedians and radio personalities. This awareness is also picking up in the work place. In some cases one can understand some words can be deem offensive. On the other hand their are a million ways to express one self, which can be interpret in a millions ways as well. There are laws set fort to protect one's freedom of speech and expression. Many key figures are finding there self under fire for comments made in public like Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Richards and Rosie O'Donnell. Whoopi Goldberg made comment about George Bush which resulted in her being fired as Slim Fast spokeswoman. Micheal Richards said the N-word which offended some people at a comedy club and Rosie O'Donnell made reference to Danny Devito appearance on a day time talk show drunk being international news in china. She made poor Chinese translation which was deem offensive. In these cases there is a conflict between the freedom of speech and politically incorrect behavior. You have a right to express yourself, the lines of offensive and politically incorrectness for some are unclear. It is tough to call in some situations and clear in others.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cell Phones In Schools

Student having cell phones in school has become a big issue. Teacher argue that cell phone are disruptive to the learning environment. Cell phones ringing when class is in session , disruptive ring tones and walkie talkie curps, make it difficult to concentrate on learning with these distractions. The city issued a ban on cell phones in schools. Some parents were outraged by this ban saying it endangered the safety of the children. Parents use the cell phone to communicate with their children and vice verse. On both ends their are justifiable argument's. As a parent, I can understand parents wanting to contact their kids after school while in transit, especially if one party is running late. Their are emergency situations where cell phones come in handy. Overall students having cell phones eliminate parents worrying about their kids. Their is direct contact between both parties when needed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Evel Kanyevel Gets Gangster With Kayne West

Kayne west the rapper film a video where he portrays the legendary dare devil Evel Knievel. The video is for the song entitled "Touch the sky". The video has Pamela Anderson guest appearing as Kayne West girlfriend. Evel Knievel who's real names is Robert Craig Knievel, took offence to Kayne West dressing up in a familiar jumpsuit and jumping a canyon in a vehicle visually identical to the one he used. In a failed attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon in Idaho in 1974. Robert Craig Knievel filed a lawsuit in federal court in Tampa on Monday claiming infringement on his trademark name and likeness. Kayne West was unavailable for comment. Robert Craig Knievel says that the music and the theme of the video does not portray him in anyway. He also adds, that he is unhappy about Kayne West using his image to promote filth to the world.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Aruba is an amazing island. It has white sandy beaches. The water is so clear you can see the fishes and Corell on the ocean bottom. The trees are different to any other tree you may have seen. They tend to lean to the side. Aruba is a good island to get away and relax. One can enjoy relaxing on the beach and enjoying the sun, or taking a swim in the ocean. There are many water activities to get into like snorkeling, para sailing, jet skiing, boat parties. It is an amazing place to visit. I can personally say this cause my time spent in Aruba I enjoyed a lot. I swam everyday. I ate delicious cuisines and at the hotel where I stayed, the hotel staff was very attentive to their guess. Visiting Aruba was one of my favorite vacations.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Patois In Carrol Gardens

Last night I ate at Patois, a French restaurant on Smith street in Brooklyn. The place was packed, which I viewed as an obvious sign that the food must be good. The bread they served before the appetizers or the main course was delicious. For the main course I had salmon and lentil in a sauce mixed with Sherry. It was delicious. I have never tasted anything like it. Now, I understand when people talk and explain French cuisine as being rich with flavor. I felt like I had a plate of pleasure. My taste buds enjoyed every bite. There is a fire place in the restaurant. I enjoyed the warmth of the fire on my back. It was soothing. I will definitely visit this restaurant again, it was an experience.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

The Buzz At The Museum

Today I visited the Brooklyn Museum. I saw very interesting art. On the fifth floor of the museum I saw an exhibit by a famous photographer, her name was Annie Leibovitz. She is a celebrity and fashion photographer. Annie had the opportunity to photograph many famous actors, political figures and models. Among these famous people who were photographed was Demi Moore when she was pregnant, Cindy Crawford posing nude in a portrait of Eve, Leonardo Dicaprio with a swan around his neck. There is also the former president Bill Clinton with Hillary and Chelsey Clinton.There is also president Bush with the original administration staff of 2000. Other actors she photographed include Jim Carey, Al Pachino, Jamie Fox, Kate Moss and Johnny Depp. The exhibit I found truly amazing was by Ron Mueck. He's said to be a master of replicating sagging skin,body hair, wrinkles, veins and other body details. I can personally say the guy is very good. His sculptures have a real life look,considering that some of the sculptures are humongous in size. It was amazing,I have never seen anything like it.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Tax Crimes

Tax evasion is a seriuos crime.Fraud laws make it a federal or state crime to purposefully avoid payment of federal, state, or local taxes, whether those taxes are a personal obligation or that of a business entity. Many people try to evade paying taxes which can result in penalties such as fines, incarceration, and asset forfeiture. It is our obligation as citizens to pay taxes that help pay for and maintain things such as road work, schooling, social programs, health care. Some people don't like the idea of their money being spent on these things so they find ways to avoid paying taxes. When caught they pay heavy fines and face incarceration possibility. There are ways to use our tax dollars in different venues, like retirement, charities and college tuition. These are legal ways of diverting tax payment.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

World's Heaviest Woman

AUBURN DALE, Fla. -- Rosalie Bradford, who held records for being the world's heaviest woman and for losing the most weight, has died. She was 63.
Bradford weighed 1,050 lb in January 1987, according to the 1994 Guinness Book of Records. She lost 736 lb to weigh 314 lb in September 1992, according to the record book.
She died Wednesday at a hospital in Lakeland, Fla.
The cause of death was not known. Rosalie accomplished weight lost was incredible. Defiantly something to talk about.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Today we use all sorts of communication technology. We can e-mail or instant message each other through the world wide web. This is one of the most popular means of communication today. I'm sure if ranked in order of most used communication, it would be the web. People are e-mailing and instant messaging because its one of the quickest ways of communicating if your to busy to call by phone. Another popular used communication is the cell phone. I think everyone has one by now. The cell phone operate through wireless medium. Radio waves traveling back and fort from your cell phone,to the nearest cell site. The cell phone created the means of conversing on a hand held device not being bounded by wire, thus creating wireless communication. Cordless phone have the same effect just cell phone have a wider range you can travel and talk.

The old communication methods are still use today as well. People still buy stamps and post letters addressed to destinations that are not as privilege to communication technologies as others. Some areas are not developed or the use of these communications are not yet economical to use. The land lines in the house are a good backup means of communication. In a blackout situation, when there is no power to run the computers, the Internet and the cell sites that cell phones use. The land lines prevail among all. New Yorkers witness this a year ago, when there was a blackout that took the Utility company a day to restore power to the New York tri state area.

As time past we discover new means of communicating, and making services more efficient. In hope of a better tomorrow. Communication technology has come a long way. One can say they are more sophisticated ways of communicating nowadays. People forget the telegraph, which messages were send back an fort in Morse code.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

New Year Anticipation

Im looking forward to the New Year. Thinking of the things I would like to accomplish for the coming new year, plotting my New Year's resolutions. Preparing to change my behavior, no more mister nice guy. I feel I've been nice to people who dont desevre my kindness, so these people will get to see a whole other side of me. I dont plan to be brutley mean, just not as nice. I have a bunch of goals I would like to forfill like my cisco and microsoft certifications. Im looking forward to taking these exams. Im also looking forward to investing in something this year as well. There are a lot of projects to work on so the New Year will be a promising one.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Queens Residents Are Demanding Answers

One week after the death of Sean Bell. Protesters hit the street to voice their outrage in the matter of three young men being Shoot at by undercover police officers leaving two wounded and one dead. A Queens woman in the crowd with two sons in their 20s, said relations between police and local residents were antagonistic even before the shooting. Another quote from the crowd that day was, "The police need to start seeing people as people, not animals. You don't even shoot at an animal 50 times." Malik Zulu Shabazz a black nationalist leader made comment at the protest that day. "We didn't come here to start any violence,The New York police started the violence." One thing is for sure people are waiting to see what the outcome of this case will be. It appears that if it is found that the officers were not wrong in carrying out police protocol that morning, there may be a riot at hand. Queens residents are demanding answers.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

First Winter Storm Hits Mid-West

Thousands of people are without power in the mid-west. For some it means no heat as well. Some people sit tonight in the dark, cold apartments. Home owners with fire places can enjoy the warmth of the burning fire if they bought the wood in advance. In New York we rarely have power outages in the winter because the power lines are underground. Summer time is when New Yorkers worry about the power grid and loss of air conditioning. Situations like in the mid-west should have been planned for and people should have been prepared for the worst. In cases of major snow storms or hazardous weather there should be an assessment of what measures should be taken to prevent utilities outages. Also people should be advised what they should have and what measures they should take.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Weight Loss

Dieting can require great efforts for some and minimal for others. People diet for various reasons to maintain or lose weight. In some cases people diet to gain weight, this is popular with boxers who have to weigh in at a set weight before fight time. When we talk about dieting to lose weight which is the most popular reason for dieting today. This is founded to be very difficult for some. It can take a week's worth of efforts to lose five pounds, and two days of improper eating to regain achieved weight lose. Losing weight takes dedication and strong will to curve bad eating habits that can set back your desired goal. Today there are many diet plans and programs, that are there to capitalize on those who desire to lose weight and don't know where to start. My opinion on these weight plans and programs are some are effective and some are not. Which equate to happiness for some and aggravation for others.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Boxing Then, Now And To Come

Some of the greatest boxers of my time are Mike Tyson, Evander holyinfield, Oscar DeLa Hoya and Roy Jones. These boxing athletics all were great to watch. They all possess great and unique skill. Boxing is a brutal sport. I believe a boxers career has a limited time span, especially when the victories turn to defeat. Few boxers if any retire from their boxing careers on a high. I believe their ego's lead them to believe that they just cant be beat until it happens. Then they start to evaluate if there's anything else they wish to accomplish. Most time they just want to cap out their careers on a win. Who wouldn't want to retire from boxing on a victorious victory?

Today's talents in boxing is not that impressive. There's just a lot of boxers talking about how good they are, but barley backing it up when there in the ring. If you ask me their better at promoting their boxing match than actually boxing. There are few names in the boxing sport worth mentioning. Winky Wright and Floyd Mayweather these to guys are incredible to watch. I would say that they are appealing to watch by fans.

People want to see something spectacular and when it happens sport fans have something to talk about. Boxing is a great sport not to mention an old sport, with history beyond many imagination. Everyone has a favorite in the boxing sport. Someone you like to see. I must say their is not a lot of boxers fighting these days that are worth watching. A funny thing is that as time pass new talents arrive. So it is certain fans will be raving again in the future.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Music And Video's Played Today

The music and video's played on television or the radio seems to be geared in the same direction. Sex, drugs and violence appear to be the focus of theses new videos and songs. Another focal point would be the material items such as Cars, jewelry, high dollar designer clothes and so fort. In my opinion there is rare talent being push through the airwaves of the radio or being shown on the television. Every entertainer is drowning in wealth according to the music and videos being played. The sad things is the younger audience that listen and watch these videos believe what they hear and see, some even idolize these fiction lifestyles. It is rare today that an artist will attempt to create material around something political or informative, giving another perspective to look at.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

One Holiday Gone And Another On The Way

Christmas is around the corner, so parents and avid shoppers were taking advantage of the black Friday discounts, to get a head start on purchasing some of the very cool Christmas gifts at a discount price. Some shoppers are so dedicated to getting great deals that they will sleep outside the store, to be first in line when the store opens. As we approach the Christmas holidays we will hear of more crazy and bizarre behaviors to acquire popular items or discounts. In the last hours when the popular items will be impossible to score, because they will be sold out, we will see record breaking prices offered by people willing to pay double or triple of the original price. In some cases I have seen record breaking prices paid to fulfill ones gift list. The holiday season gets a bit crazy sometimes. I wonder what will be the most crazy and bizarre story of this Christmas holiday?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Deadly Mistake

Three gentlemen celebrating the last night of there friend being a single man were shot by undercover cops, in what appears to be a miss understanding of some sort. The tragic thing was that the young man who were to get married the following day died, and the other two gentlemen were seriously wounded. The stunner to this story is the gentlemen did not have any firearms at all. The threat to the officers appears to be when one of the officer were stuck by the car the gentlemen were driving. This story has a couple of angles to look at. The officers thought that the young men had a weapon of some sort. The gentleman probably did not know the officers were cops. Which would probably explain them striking the officer,it could of been out of fear of being attack by an opposing group. If you were in a club all night and saw these officers not knowing they were undercover and there were some word exchange. Also in addition they were following you. I think anyone may of reacted in the same manner. I also know that a police officer job is extremely dangerous. In this case I think situations like these are tragic. Two gentlemen probably will suffer not just physical scars, but emotional scars from that event. The young lady who were to get married lost a love one. She also will suffer scars, and according to the article the young man had two children. Many people wonder what will be the outcome of this story, because a lot of people believe that there is a different law and way of handling police officers mistakes.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Advances Of Digital Photography

Digital photography has really gotten popular in these last few years. It has made taking pictures more fun and enjoyable for many people. Before, you had to purchase film and if you were a novice in photography you may have purchased the wrong one. Through the advances of digital photography you just need a flash card. Flash cards are capable of holding an enormous amount of pictures. One of the beautiful things about pictures being stored on the flash card is that you can load it straight on your PC, either from the card or your digital camera. Through advances in technology digital camera have grown in popularity. Seems like everyone is buying slowly. I personally enjoy observing people buying into the digital photography. It is now much easier to share pictures among friends and families. There is no more dropping off pictures to be developed. You just load it on to your PC and e-mail away, it's that simple now. Progress always comes with set backs and the set back here is that photo shop business is feeling the impact of the success of this new technology. So you are seeing less of these photo stores today.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Shopping During The Holidays

Shopping during the holiday season can be stressful . Especially if your a late shopper like most people. You suddenly discover that, that toy or item your girl or for you ladies your guy has been talking about is sold out. Creating a pressure or stress to figure out whats the next best thing to purchase for your love one. Improvising can be stressful cause you were set to buy one thing and now you have to rethink and adjust your present idea. By chance if you are lucky to find your gifts and presents in the last minute shopping, you'll have to deal with those horrific long lines. There enough to give anyone a headache. Can you imagine waiting in line for hours? Holiday shopping is almost like a days work, cause when your finish most are exhausted. Two great shopping tips. Shop early for those most anticipated gifts. This will spear you major disappointment in hearing the item is sold out. Second, if you are a late shopper order your item on the Internet and pick up in the store if this an option.

Friday, November 24, 2006

A Short stay in Phoenix

My stay in Phoenix , Arizona was great. I had a very good time. We saw many interesting sites. We hiked, we visited the Grand Canyon and Sedona. I enjoyed swimming in the pool at various places. We catched up with old friends. Shared a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with auntie Margret and her son. The plane trip back to NewYork was not so bad. The seating arrangement was kind of tight, so it was hard to get relaxed. Also the landing had me a little nervous. Otherwise the flight was smooth not a lot of turbulance. I slept the whole way back, because there was not much to do. The movie featured on the flight did not look that interesting so I slept through it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Day Before Thanksgiving

The day before Thanksgiving. Just about everybody is anxious about the Thanksgiving holiday. Thinking of all the old friends and family that will attend the Thanksgiving dinner, so there's lots to catch up on. Job changes, new promotions and new business ventures to talk and debate about. There will be lots of old favorites at the table like, turkey, ham, stuffing, sweet potato pie, cranberry and so fort. All the delicious recipes that you get every once in a while comes out for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a well anticipated day, because there is lots to look forward to.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Grand Canyon

Today I visited the Grand Canyon. It is something to see. The Canyon has along history. It seem like the first explorers were the Indians. They also lived in the canyon. They grew vegetation at the bottom of the canyon. The nights in the canyon were cold so they were gathering wood to light fires to keep warm. They also had running water from the river that ran in the depths of the canyon. At some point they vanished. It is believed that their villages became over populated and they did not have enough food to survive. In addition it is also said that the river ran low, which made it impossible to irrigate the fields.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hyatt Hotel in Scottsdale

Hyatt Resort is one of the most prominent resorts in Phoenix, Arizona. This resort decor is unique from any other. No resort looks the same, but this architecture is amazing. The interior decoration of the resort resembles Japanese architecture. Who ever designed the interior of the hotel resort is very talented. I never used to pay attention to things like interior design, but now for some reason I can appreciate when someone designs something amazing. It almost makes you want to incorporate their ideas into your home. In addition, the swimming area is something to see. There are five swimming areas with sprinkles for kids enjoyment. There is a water slide that is about three stories high, which you can slide down into the pool. I was told at a certain time in the evening you can take an gondola ride around the resort. There is also entertainment in the lounge area, music and dance shows.I wish I could afford to stay there one day.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Road Trip With Auntie Barbara

Road trip with auntie Barbara. She took us around Phoenix, AZ. We drove on top of some of the high mountains to get a good look at the city. The view of the city was incredible, but we could see the city and also the smog over it. After four hours of sightseeing, we ate at an interesting restaurant named the Horny Toad. We were told that the owner of the Horny Toad had a another restaurant not to far called the Satisfied Frog. Nevertheless the food at the Horny Toad was very good. The portions that they serve at this restaurant are enough for two or three to share. After lunch we continued to site see, which we caped off the road trip with a thirty minute hike up one of the hills in Phoenix to enjoy the view.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Trip To Arizona

I took a trip today to Arizona. I flew to Arizona by plane. It was a fairly long flight. During the flight they served refreshments. WThey also played two movies the first was the Devil Wears Proda .The second movie feature was The Break Up. The flight was smoothed there was not a lot of turbulence. It took about four hours and change to reach.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Internet

The Internet is one of the most popular mean of communication today. You can catch up on current events. You can shop and order various things. Checking availability of items is simple you no longer have to travel to numerous store to find out, who have the item you want? Checking schedules to movies and performances are all a matter of searching the proper sites. Transferring funds checking account balances all can be done from home at your work desk. The Internet has simplified many of our daily choirs and traveling to take care of one thing or another. Booking a trip for business or pleasure is much easier today, you just check for the price range you want to spend and availability and purchase that's it. Everything you need is at your finger tips. The Internet is growing in popularity everyone is slowly warming up to the many benefits it offers.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How TV eats our time

In the past I used to watch a lot of TV. Anything. Sports, movies, a lot of movies, as well as documentaries . One can say that I was a TV addict. I would spend whole week-ends in front of the TV, or whole afternoons after work. It was relaxing after a hard days work. Then I met a person that did not have a TV. I thought I would show her all the channels and she would be hooked like me, but she did not want to sit in the house on the week-ends. One day we went to Barnes and Noble to browse some books and read magazines in the bookstore Cafe. I could not get enough of it. I started reading book after book and watching TV slowly become boring, many programs started to seam stupid, or plainly manipulative. I still enjoy watching classic old movies and my favorite TV series Sorpranos, but mostly my TV box is catching dust right now and I have a lot of time for many other, more interesting things.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Planning For A Good Outcome

Preparing for the long haul. Preparation for just about any task makes it much easier to tackle. Sometime breaking it down in many sections or spreading the the task over a set period of time, disperse the over whelming load. This stragedy I am learning to incorperate into my weekly and monthly routines. I am hoping in the future to see a major change in the way I tackle task, projects and assignments.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Thought on Universities

I wonder about the true propose of universities. What is their real purpose? Someone told me we attend universities for their credentials, their stamp or label. Truly, what does their label mean? Does it mean that you are the best or ranked high in the field you studied? Then of course the university you attend would have to have high ranks among competitive universities, in order for their graduates to be perceived as leaders in their field. But, I have worked alongside college graduates who did not earn recognition for their hard work and studies. I have met people who have attained positions they have sought, but are so backlogged in debt that they barely enjoy their success. I study at an university for my own gratification and I think about the perks afterwards. And I can only hope that I get what I pay for.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Looking Forward To The Holidays.

I am looking forward to the holidays. I cant wait to spend time with family and friends and enjoy good food. Do some site seeing. Take numerous pictures of everyone and everything. Tell funny stories and catch up. Last Thanksgiving was un-holiday like. We spent the whole weekend renovating my apartment, which came out amazing. I think my woman just have an eye for interior decorating. We made zillion trips to Home Depot. During the renovation we took a break to have dinner with some friends of mine. That Thanksgiving was a great one because I had a lot of fun putting things together, not to mention I let my girlfriend be the boss for once.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Subtle Ways Of Italian Mafia

Tonight there's not much to write about. I tried to help a friend with a technical problem but was unsuccessful. The friend hosted a nice dinner with spagetti recipe from the mafia cook book. The book had a bullet hole in it. The recipe for the sauce consisted of sardines and capares, garlic and olives and it was really delicious. However, the after effects were not pretty. I was running home like I was running from the mafia. I hope that the rest of the recipes in the mafia cook book are just as delicious but not as dangerous.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tuition On The Rise

According to College Board reports the federal government has reduced the amount of scholarship money for needy students in 2006, even though college tuition is rising. More students are borrowing to pay for their educations. State governments slightly increased the amount of money dedicated to needy students but gave a much bigger financial boost to merit-based scholarship programs. Because grants and scholarships have not kept up with tuition inflation, more students have borrowed money to cover their educational costs. With college tuitions going through the ceiling this year, you might well be wondering whether a degree is still a good investment. And I wonder how much Devry is going to increase the tuition in 2007.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Veteran's Day is a day we honor the soldier's who fought to protect our country. A day to remember the soldier's who gave thier lives fighting in wars we were involve in. Veterans Day is the American name for the international day called Armistice Day. It falls on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended World War One. It is both a federal day and a state holiday in all states. The same day is observed elsewhere as Remembrance Day or Armistice Day. The day has since evolved as a time for honoring living veterans who have served in the military during wartime or peacetime, partially to complement Memorial Day, which primarily honors the dead.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

The Biggest Talk Right Now

The biggest talk right now, I guess is about the 2006 election outcome. Who's going to run the house and the senate? As it stands now it seems like the democrats won big in the house. In the senate it seems like things pretty much even out from how they initially were. I guess the outcome attribute to American's being unhappy with the way things are going in and out of the country. In addition, American's are troubled by the way we are percieved around the world. The democrats slogan for 2006 election was "time for a new direction". The republicans slogan which Im not to sure about may of been to "stay the course". Through voting result it is safe to assume that the majority of American's are unhappy with the decisions being made and think it's time for change in foriegn and domestic policies.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Frist Night

Date: November 8, 2006
Time: 8:25
Place: Lab

Alot of information to sort through. Definitly want to be up to speed with assignment's and so fort. I think it's an interesting class and I know that my writing skill's needs a lot of improvement. So I look forward to the up coming challenges that composition writing will bring. I would like to start writing more so writing assignment may become an easier task for me.